Friday, July 15, 2016

First Coaching Session

Announcing The First DFS Group Coaching Sessions!

When: Wednesday July 20th at 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM CT!

These sessions will be a lineup review from Monday and Tuesday (from students' lineups), as we discuss lineups we will go through value recognition and lineup construction. These hopefully won't be a lecture from me rather a group discussion that I'm leading.

Each one of these sessions will be for a hour (approximately, I'm sure I'll run over a few minutes). I plan on running the sessions on Skype, but if that for some reason fails I'll use Hangouts.

I'm capping each session at 6 students, and spots will be on first come, first served basis by filling out the form here: AND sending payment. Once I receive payment, I will confirm your spot.

The cost for the session will be $50.

I reserve the right to cancel and refund if I don't get at least 4 students for a particular session.

I hope these are successful as I'd love to run them continuously.


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